
Online Booking System

What is the Right Amount of ‘Busy’?

At Vivit Booking Solutions we sometimes hear potential customers say they are either too busy to think about an online booking system or they feel they are not busy enough to warrant one. Either way, a great booking system is exactly what your tour and activity business needs! This post looks at both responses and explains how an online booking system will help you reach the right level of ‘busy’.…Continue readingWhat is the Right Amount of ‘Busy’?

Online Booking System

6 reasons why your business needs an online booking engine

It has now become vitally important for businesses to utilise online platforms to get new customers and grow their business. This blog post outlines 6 reasons why a tour and activity provider should have online booking software integrated on their website in order to maximise bookings and increase revenue.…Continue reading6 reasons why your business needs an online booking engine