Tourism in Germany recovers to pre-crisis levels
The level of bookings of hotels, apartments and hostels in the country reached August 2019.
Tourism in Germany is recovering and is trying to finally recover after a long 2 years of the coronavirus pandemic, when everyone was sitting at home, and the borders of many countries were closed. Booking rates for hotels, hostels, holiday homes, campsites and other tourist destinations in Germany in August 2022 were equal in total quantitative equivalent to August 2019. Mainly due to the promotion of domestic tourism in Germany.
Tourism in Germany is recovering: pre-pandemic levels reachedAccording to preliminary data from the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), in August 2022, hotels, hostels and real estate agents in Germany made 58.2 million room or apartment reservations for local and foreign visitors. This is 4.0% more than in August 2021.
The level of the month before the coronavirus pandemic was again reached for the first time and even slightly exceeded: in August 2019, companies made 57.8 million bookings. Compared to this value, the number of bookings in August 2022 was 0.6% higher.
Tourism in Germany is recovering with much more international visitorsBookings for guests from Germany decreased by 3.1% to 49.3 million in August 2022 compared to August 2021. At the same time, the number of bookings for guests from abroad increased significantly. The number of tourists from abroad increased by 75.7% to 8.9 million compared to exactly one year ago. And this is certainly a good indicator that the coronavirus pandemic is fading into the background around the world, and borders are opening up for tourists. However, despite such a good increase in indicators in this particular direction, they still have not reached pre-pandemic levels. The number of guests from abroad in August 2022 was 17.5% lower than in August 2019.
As a result, the overall level of tourism in the summer of 2019 was achieved precisely through domestic tourism. This suggests that now many Germans prefer not to go abroad, but to travel around their own country. Where tourists preferred to relax in Germany and guest houses. 23.2% of overnight stays were at special holiday destinations or boarding houses, 16.0% at campsites, and 7.9% at other accommodations such as preventive and rehabilitation clinics. The biggest change since August 2019 is this is an increase in the number of overnight stays in campsites. The growth has been significant. In August 2022, there were 9.3 million, which is 14.7% more than in August 2019.